Speech Sounds

5 Fun Children's Books for Practicing the “SH” and “CH” Sounds

Reading with your child is a wonderful way to bond while you support their language development. If your little one is learning the “SH” or “CH” sounds, there are many fun children’s books that can help them work on these sounds while enjoying quality time with you.

When it comes to learning speech sounds, daily practice will ensure your child makes the most progress. And reading together is an easy way to get that practice done! 

Here, we’re sharing a list of children’s books that focus on the “SH” and “CH” sounds in imaginative ways, including our speech therapists' favorite recommendations. If you don’t own these books, you don’t have to buy them! Check your local library, or search for a read-aloud version on YouTube. Let’s dive in and discover some great books to read with your child!

1. Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash

This silly rhyming book is a great place to start. The word “she” is repeated 19 times throughout the book, making it a perfect choice for a child practicing “sh” at the beginning of words. This book also includes McNosh, wash, shoes, dish, each, which, and chair for additional practice. 

2. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

This playful book introduces children to the alphabet in a colorful way. Your child can practice the phrase “chicka chicka boom boom” as they follow along. The rhyming text also supports phonological awareness, which is a crucial skill for early reading development! 

3. Goodnight Moon

Goodnight Moon is a classic story to read while cuddled up at night. The repetitive language gives your child plenty of opportunities to practice their target speech sounds. Check out these words: brush, mush, hush, chairs

4. Chicks and Salsa

Starting with the title of the book (Chicks), there are plenty of “sh” and “ch” words in this engaging story. Here are two examples: 

1. “That night, the pigs ate nachos – though nobody was quite certain where the pigs got the nacho cheese sauce!”

2. “...the farmer’s wife had started watching cooking shows in the afternoons.” 

Your child is sure to enjoy learning new vocabulary related to food, animals, and fiesta activities!  

5. Curious George Visits the Library

Last, but not least, Curious George Visits the Library is another speech therapist favorite. Check out all the words your child can practice saying during storytime:

“sh”: she, shouted, finished, shhh, shelf/shelves, patient (“pay-shint”), crash 

“ch”: children, check, reached, chase

When children are working on their speech articulation, home practice is essential. Consistency is the key to improving speech sounds, and practicing regularly at home allows your child to strengthen their skills outside of therapy sessions. 

Reading books with your child is a fun, easy way to add speech sound practice to your daily routine. By using books that contain a variety of “SH” and “CH” words, you can give your child many opportunities to hear and produce these sounds in context.

Consistent practice is the key to improving speech sounds.

To motivate your child to practice, focus on making the experience relaxed and positive. Celebrate your child’s successes, and encourage them to try their best without putting too much pressure on them. Use games, props, or other playful activities related to the books you read to make practice feel like a fun adventure. 

You can also offer your child choices in which books they want to read or which characters they want to pretend to be. This gives them a sense of control and ownership over their practice. Remember, the goal is to help your child build their skills in a supportive and enjoyable way!

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