Online Speech Therapy6 MINUTE READ

How to Keep Children Engaged with Online Speech Therapy

In many ways, online speech therapy is just like in-person therapy. However, during online speech therapy, a child and speech therapist communicate through face-to-face video chat on the computer for live, interactive sessions.

A mountain of research has been done to measure the effectiveness of online speech therapy compared to traditional, in-person settings. The results are clear: Done properly, teletherapy is an effective delivery method. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has even recognized teletherapy as a valid means of service delivery for speech therapy disorders.

The results are clear: Done properly, teletherapy is an effective delivery method.

While online speech therapy is effective, convenient, and often more affordable, many caregivers wonder whether their child will be able to pay attention during their virtual sessions.

Online speech therapy can benefit children of all ages, with different communication needs and learning styles. But there are some important things you can do to promote your child's success. In this article we discuss how online speech sessions work and share tips and tricks to help little ones stay engaged!

Expect your child to need some adjustment time

No matter if a child is involved in online or in-person speech therapy, for many children this is the first time they're engaging in a structured environment. For language learning to take place, a child has to follow the speech therapist's guidance and directions.

All pediatric speech therapists do their very best to provide therapy through playful tasks and activities that are child-led. That means following a child's interests to keep them interested and motivated.

It's normal for children to push back when they sense that more structure is expected.

It's normal for children to push back when they sense that more structure is expected. This adjustment stage happens no matter where a child is receiving speech therapy. It can take a few sessions to establish a relationship between a child and their speech therapist, which is normal and expected. This ultimately helps them become more engaged and willing to learn.

Just think about the first few sessions as a “warmup.” The child is learning how to interact with the therapist, and the therapist is working to understand the child's preferences and learning style so they can tailor their treatment accordingly. Don’t worry if the first few sessions feel a little rocky. Hang in there and trust the speech therapist!  

Find a balance of parent and therapist involvement

For very young children, we'd never expect them to sit in front of a computer uninterrupted for 30 minutes. At this age, parents and caregivers play an absolutely vital role. Your speech therapist will provide parent coaching to help you use the techniques and strategies taught during therapy during daily interactions with your child. Home practice is one of the most important aspects to a child's progress.

When parents attend sessions, they often worry about making sure their child sits and pays attention perfectly to the speech therapist. Sometimes this means that parents or caregivers constantly correct a child, or give them lots of directions to follow.

The best thing a parent can do during speech sessions is to remain near their child and stay calm.

If a child is hearing tons of directions from both the speech therapist and their caregiver, they may get a little overwhelmed. The best thing a parent can do during speech sessions is to remain near their child and stay calm. As the session progresses, you and your speech therapist will work together to figure out how much you need to be involved in providing directions.

If the child is paying attention to the screen, one strategy your speech therapist may use is introducing tasks to do with your child within their environment. You can even set the computer or tablet down momentarily, and listen as the therapist provides directions and prompts you along.

This has a major benefit: It helps parents learn exactly what the speech therapist is working on with the child. It's very common for children to respond more to toys and items presented physically in their environment. Another benefit to this hands-on structure of therapy is that it helps parents practice with their child at home, all week long.

Use favorite toys and activities during online speech therapy

Speech therapists love to use games and toys that a child prefers in everyday play activities. This helps keep speech therapy more play-based and motivating.

Feel free to give your speech therapist a list of things your child enjoys. They'll work to use these within the sessions if appropriate.

Here are a few examples of things to include in your list:

1 Types of activities your child likes (books, music, matching games, arts/crafts, board games, etc
2 Storybook or TV characters your child loves
3 Examples of what motivates your child (a favorite snack, extra playtime outside, sticker charts, etc

Speech therapists have lots of fun and interactive toys and games they'll present to a child on screen. They also use a variety of online activities many children enjoy participating in. That's why it's so important to tell your therapist about your child's interests ahead of time--it'll help sessions start off on the right foot!  

Make sure to keep some of these items nearby as well, just in case your speech therapist asks you to present items to your child by using the parent-coaching model.

Insider tip: Keep a box of toys that are used only for speech therapy.

One insider tip: Keep a box of toys that are reserved for speech therapy. These toys only make an appearance during the speech sessions. This helps make the activities feel new and special, and it keeps your child’s motivation high.

Location matters for online speech therapy

As much as fun toys and activities contribute to a child’s enthusiasm in therapy, the environment is just as important! When getting ready for an online speech session, make sure to find a space for your child that is calm and quiet.

For young children, using their high chair or any other comfortable chair is a great way to encourage them to sit and attend. When the temptation to get up and run around is gone, a child is much more likely to respond to the tasks presented.

Make sure to turn off any nearby TVs and limit other distractions during the session. This will help keep frustrations to a minimum.

If your child is playing with a highly motivating activity before the speech session, they may have trouble transitioning away from the activity. The speech session may feel discouraging. To prevent this from happening, save highly desired games and toys for the session--don’t give them to your child beforehand and then have to take them away. Save any special activity time, like a favorite TV show or playing outside, for after the session is complete.

Finally, do your best to have strong internet connection and a reliable computer or tablet. A phone can be used for therapy, but a bigger screen such as on a computer or tablet is much more ideal. Children can see the screen better and may attend to the tasks more easily.

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